Pearly Penile Papules (PPP) Removal At Home

Pearly Penile Papules Removal At Home

Pearly penile papules can be removed at home by thermally ablating the papules. The method uses a device that can perform pinpointed accurate electrocautery to the papules for the PPP removal process.

The preferred device for the at-home pearly penile papules removal procedure is a pinpointed soldering iron because it has the proper amount of continuous heat transfer for the necessary temperature to be reached to destroy the papules and provides the needed accuracy with the pinpointed iron tip.

This article explains how and why the method works safely and permanently to remove pearly penile papules and the exact step-by-step instructions including what all is needed to remove them.

Electrocautery Vs Other Thermal Ablative Methods

Electrocautery, electrosurgery, radiosurgery, and laser surgery all use thermal ablation to destroy the pearly penile papules. Thermal ablation is the process of tissue being destroyed using heat during a procedure. The soldering iron method uses electrocautery to remove the pearly penile papules.

Electrocautery varies from electrosurgery and radiosurgery because it uses a direct current to heat wire or a probe that is applied onto the tissue and both electrosurgery and radiosurgery pass alternating currents through tissue from an electrode to cause thermal ablation to the pearly penile papules. 

Electrodesiccation is a form of electrosurgery that does not cut through the tissue but instead has its electrical current flow in an electrode with a pinpoint tip that taps the pearly penile papules to send the current through. The electrocautery method uses a soldering iron pinpoint tip that will provide the same needed thermal ablation to get rid of the pearly penile papules by sending heat to the papules.

Electrocautery varies from laser surgery because laser surgery targets the chromophore water in the pearly penile papules and evaporates the water using the heat of the infrared light beam to destroy the cells of the papules.

How PPP Soldering Iron Removal Method Works

The soldering iron method works by heating the pearly penile papules through direct contact until the proteins and cell membranes of the papules skin tissue and fibroblast cells are destroyed within the epidermis and on top of the dermis skin layers. The pearly penile papules have to be heated above 50 degrees Celsius (120 degrees Fahrenheit) for the process to occur.

When the temperature of the tissue cells reaches between 60 degrees Celsius (140 degrees Fahrenheit) and 99 degrees Celsius (210.2 degrees Fahrenheit) the cell proteins and membranes are immediately destroyed. The same process occurs for both electrodesiccation and radiosurgery removal methods.

When the temperature of the water inside the cells reaches 100 degrees Celsius (212 degrees Fahrenheit), the water evaporates inside and immediately outside the pearly penile papule tissue cells destroying the cells. Laser surgery uses this method and only targets the water to destroy the cells. The water in the tissue has to reach a higher temperature in laser surgery than the soldering iron, electrodesiccation, and radiosurgery methods to be effective because it is dependent on the water to evaporate to destroy the cells. 

The soldering iron method, electrodesiccation, and radiosurgery temperatures can get the water inside the papules to reach 100 degrees Celsius safely by increasing the devices’ setting levels and/or contact time with the pearly penile papules but is not a necessary requirement for effectiveness because thermal ablation takes place before reaching the temperature. 

The process of destroying the pearly penile papules fibroblast cells during the at-home soldering iron method prevents any recurrence of the papules because the fibroblast cells produce the excessive collagen tissue that forms the papules in the penis head’s epithelial skin.

Contact Time And Heat Transfer

The contact time you have with the soldering iron and your pearly penile papules and the amount of heat transferred are interrelated. The heat from the soldering iron is transferred by a process known as conduction to the pearly penile papules. Conduction is the transfer of heat by physical contact.

The pearly penile papules and the soldering iron have different temperatures so they would want to reach what is known as thermal equilibrium or equal temperature by the transfer of heat if the body wasn’t self-regulated at maintaining our core temperature and the soldering iron didn’t have a constant energy supply. The rate of transferred heat from the soldering iron depends on how conductive the pearly penile papule skin is.

The soldering iron has a constant supply of energy coming from the electrical outlet so it won’t lose much energy after coming into contact with the pearly penile papules. The surface area, the difference in temperature, average thermal conductivity, and the thickness of both the pearly penile papules and soldering iron are able to be equated to get the amount of heat transferred per second between the two. 

Without having to insert the variables of each into an equation, as long as you have the listed soldering iron, a quick tap of the pinpointed tip of the soldering iron to each papule typically lasting no longer than a quarter to half a second will bring the pearly penile papules to the temperature they need to be for them to be destroyed within the contact time. 

The point in understanding how contact time and heat transfer work is to give you assurance in knowing that your entire penis or penis head will not be burnt through instantaneously by using a soldering iron. The only part of your penis that should receive targeted and controlled damage is the pearly penile papules. The penis will not instantly become the same temperature as the soldering iron.

How Long Do PPP Last

Pearly penile papules’ (PPP) appearance lasts throughout adolescence and adulthood from their initial occurrence with a possibility of slight regression of the size and amount without any treatment as men age. 

If you desire to not have the pearly penile papules stay on your penis, the at-home removal method will completely remove these long-lasting pearly penile papules within the same day the procedure is done if a second procedure is not required for any possible leftover papules. The at-home method has the benefit of instant sensory indicators that can verify a successful removal process.

Instant Indicators Of A Successful Removal

The pearly penile papules should have distinct sensory indicators while performing the at-home removal procedure. Indicators that a successful removal process has occurred include:

  • Appearance – The PPP will immediately turn a light to dark brown color after tapping them with the pinpointed tip of the soldering iron. The PPP will appear lightly charred and slightly flatter and/or indented with an instant brown scab created on top of them from the tissue being dehydrated by the soldering iron.
  • Sound – The PPP tends to make a slight popping noise when they are tapped with the tip of the soldering iron. Not all the PPP may make a sound depending on size.
  • Live Visual Representation – The video links in the electrodesiccation and laser surgery articles have about the same results in immediate appearance as performing the at-home procedure with the soldering iron.

How Long At Home Removal Takes

The at-home removal of pearly penile papules using electrocautery typically takes no longer than 20 to 30 minutes, not including the time it takes for numbing the penis. The numbing time can vary if a topical anesthetic cream is not applied.

Skills And Abilities Required

The skills and abilities required to perform at-home removal of pearly penile papules are all relatively simple. They include:

  • Ability to pinpoint and tap the papules accurately
  • Good hand-eye coordination
  • Good visual acuity
  • Good time perception
  • Good depth perception

All the listed skills and abilities are very common. If any of these skills and abilities are highly lacking, it is best to avoid performing the at-home treatment yourself and potentially have someone else perform it for you with the required skills and abilities.

How Long At Home Healing Takes

Pearly penile papules at home removal recovery and healing typically take 1 to 3 weeks. The healthy epithelial skin surrounding the damaged papules helps to quickly heal the area by re-epithelialization.


Contraindications for pearly penile papules at home removal include keloids, hypertrophic scarring, and uncontrolled diabetes. 

It’s also recommended if you have genital herpes virus to take a five-day course of valacyclovir 500 mg twice daily starting the day before the at-home removal procedure. It’s not advised to perform the at-home pearly penile removal procedure if you have taken Accutane (isotretinoin) within the last 6 months because it has the potential to cause a healing impairment or hypertrophic scarring on the penis.


The outcomes for the at-home pearly penile papules removal have shown excellent results. The process is detailed step-by-step to achieve the best results possible for the at-home procedure.

Step-by-step At Home Removal Process

Step 1: 

Identify that what you have is pearly penile papules and not STD bumps or non-STD related penis bumps

Step 2: 

Purchase a 30-watt soldering iron with a pinpoint tip if you don’t already have one. Here is the soldering iron I used with the pinpoint tip required.

Step 3:

Purchase a five percent or higher numbing cream. Here is the over the counter numbing cream I used.

If you have any allergies to the ingredients in the numbing cream, you can apply an ice bag to the head of your penis until it is numb from it. I personally have not tried ice to numb, but this is an alternative for those that need it to lessen the sensitivity before performing the procedure.

Step 4:

Clean your penis off with soap and water. Dry the penis. If you are not allergic to iodine, iodine topical solution can be applied for disinfection precaution and wiped clean before applying topical numbing cream.

Step 5: 

Apply the topical numbing cream and allow it to be absorbed well for around 20-25 minutes or as long as necessary to feel numb. If you’re using an ice bag to numb the penis, allow it to be applied for as long as necessary until it is numb enough to proceed.

Step 6:

After the soldering iron is plugged in, allow it to heat up for around 2-5 minutes. 

Step 7:

This step should be preceded with caution. With a steady hand, lightly tap each pearly penile papule for no longer than 1 second at a time while avoiding coming into contact with healthy papule-free skin. The contact time of the soldering iron should normally be between a quarter to half of a second tap and up to 1 second for larger papules.

It’s my recommendation to keep each tap less than 1 second for better depth and time precision and perform multiple taps instead of longer contact times with the larger papules. 

Step 8: 

Check the penis for any missed papules and burn any ones left off.

Step 9:

Apply antibacterial or antiseptic ointment, gel, or oil of your choice for precaution. This may be optional for those who may heal faster having a drier penis. The penis has to remain consistently clean and monitored if avoiding using any form of an antimicrobial agent. 

Gauze bandage and self-adherent wrap can be applied to the penis afterward and/or compression underwear can be worn to keep the penis in place while it heals.

Step 10:

After allowing your penis to heal for 2-3 weeks, if needed, perform the procedure a second time on any papules that may be left.

Help Support

For those who this site’s information has been of tremendous value and helped remove your pearly penile papules or someone else’s papules, you can help support my work by giving any donation amount to the following links:


Ali Coleman

Ali has worked with and been around many health experts working in the health and medical fields. He enjoys sharing the knowledge he has learned throughout the years to improve the lives of others.

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