How To Explain PPP To Your Partner

How to Explain PPP to Your Partner

Before you get ready to have sex, having PPP can be a cause of anxiety, low self-esteem, and lack of confidence that you feel you need an explanation for to avoid your partner thinking you have an STD. You can explain having PPP by assuring your partner that it is not contagious, is a relatively normal occurrence in men, how they differentiate from STDs, and how it can be permanently cured. 

The following methods of explanations will help give you key points in explaining your pearly penile papules to a sexual partner. You can always direct your partner to this site as well for more information on pearly penile papules.

How To Explain That PPP Is Not Contagious

If you developed your pearly penile papules in your early adolescent years before being sexually active, it’s important to let your partner know that you haven’t had sex before you got them. By letting your partner know that you hadn’t had sex, it will give more assurance that it’s not an STD.

If you developed your pearly penile papules after you’ve been sexually active, the best way to assure your partner your condition isn’t contagious is getting an STD test to show that you don’t have any diseases.

How To Explain PPP Is A Normal Occurrence

You can explain that PPP is a normal occurrence by giving the statistical data that it occurs in 14 to 48 percent of men. It’ll show that you did your research on what it is which is a sign that you care to know for yourself and to be able to inform your partner.

Your penis papules may or may not have been noticed if you’ve been sexually active with your partner. If you feel the need to bring attention to them, it’s good to include that some men have less noticeable sized penis papules than others and some men have more papules than others which may be a reason your partner potentially did not notice them at all.

How To Explain PPP Differentiation From STDs

The most common concern with any sexual partner is knowing if your pearly penile papules are an STD or not so it’s good to be able to give the differences compared to genital warts and genital herpes. If you don’t have an STD test to show you don’t have any disease, giving assurance by explaining the difference between appearance and symptoms will help ease your partner’s concern. 

Check out PPP vs other penis bumps for a thorough explanation of the differences.

How To Explain That PPP Can Be Cured

If your pearly penile papules are an issue to you and your partner, let your partner know that you have the option to get rid of your pearly penile papules by any common dermatologists’ treatments using a laser, hyfrecator with or without a curette, cryosurgery, excisional surgery, radiosurgery, or performing a self-removal treatment at home. Tell your partner that your pearly penile papules will not reoccur (given that you chose one of the most effective and safe methods out of the options) after the procedure so that it will be permanent and won’t be a concern in the future.


If your pearly penile papules make you feel insecure with your partner, you have the option to get rid of the source of your insecurity. If they don’t make you feel insecure, but it is a concern for your partner, you can give these explanations a try so that both of you can be knowledgeable and at ease with this common aesthetic issue of the penis for men.

Ali Coleman

Ali has worked with and been around many health experts working in the health and medical fields. He enjoys sharing the knowledge he has learned throughout the years to improve the lives of others.

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